Order Picking Systems

The MicroSYST system offers the optimal solution for different requirements in paperless picking and is developed individually according to customer requirements. It can be easily integrated into existing ERP or MES systems. Thanks to the modular design, the systems can also be adapted and expanded at a later date.

  • Modular system design
  • Stand-alone system or connectable to higher-level customer system
  • Customer-specific adaptations and developments
  • Pick-by-Light, Pick-by-Spot (position displays), Pick-by-Scan (with scanner)
  • Parallel, sequential or route-optimized order picking
  • Pure hardware delivery possible
  • Open interface
  • Flexible compartment management
  • Logging of numerous data and status information
  • Visualization of the display status
  • Extensive accessories such as Printer, light scanner, scanner, signal generator, visualization, scale, controller box.



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Product Category:




Pick Cart


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